Surgery Scheduler

Turning a Java App into a PWA

A progressive web application made with React. The app will be used by hospital staff to schedule the use of facilities, equipment, and human resources. Scheduled operations can also be viewed and modified as needed.

  • React
  • Java Spring
  • MS SQL Server
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Designer

Background, Goals, and Limitations

To keep up with the growing need for modern applications, I was tasked to reconstruct a Java applet into a PWA. Said application will be running on an API made in Spring, which calls and reuses back-end code from the original application. The purpose of this reconstruction won't be to fully replace the original program (not for now, at least) but to enable nurses and surgeons to schedule operations on tablets and mobile phones.

Before we started development, our two-man team decided to make use of React for the project as it seemed to fit the requirements. We also decided to make use of a UI framework, which in this case is AntDesign, so that we could create a proof-of-concept as soon as possible.

Since this app will only be an extension of the original program, only the most basic functions will be added for now. This includes creating, viewing, updating, and cancelling booked operations.


The first thing we started with was the Dashboard, which contains a calendar that displays operations depending on the selected date and the facility users select. Here, users will be able to drag and drop schedules, as well as resize them to manage and adjust timings depending on their need.

Users are also allowed to click on booked operations to open a drop-down menu, which contains modification, such as finalizing their details, as well as cancelling them to temporarily remove them from the calendar view.

Aside from the actions displayed in the drop-down menus, users can also open and view schedules, as well as update values depending on what is needed. Various properties that are dependent on editable values are also displayed on these screens.

Lastly, the users can access a Scheduler Wizard, which allows them to create and book operations by querying user data from the back-end. Most of the values on the forms are queried from the API as there are complex rules and conditions that are taken into consideration when querying if human and equipment resources are available or not. An example of this is the availability of a surgeon at a certain time period, which the system doesn't allow to prevent overlapping schedules.

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