
Surgery Scheduler

Web DevelopmentReact

A progressive web application made with React. The app will be used by hospital staff to schedule the use of facilities, equipment, and human resources. Scheduled operations can also be viewed and modified as needed.

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Talakayang Alay sa Bayan

Web Development

An enlistment system and information website for TALAB, a one-day annual event hosted by the Loyola Schools. This is a joint project of Ateneo's User Experience Society (UXS) and Computer Society of the Ateneo (CompSAt).

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Game Development

Madman is a psychological horror game that aims to raise awareness of the real nature of schizophrenia by simulating key symptoms of the disorder, such as hallucinations.

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Web DevelopmentReact

A small hobby project made with React, and is directly inspired by 10FastFingers. This simple typing game that tests how fast you type and how well you do it.

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Web DevelopmentReact

A small, straightforward app that allows users to randomly generate strings out of character sets. For extra security, this tool allows its users to cross-check generated passwords to HaveIBeenPwned's Pwned Passwords database.

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