
A Minimalist Typing Practice Tool

A small hobby project made with React, and is directly inspired by 10FastFingers. This simple typing game that tests how fast you type and how well you do it.

  • React
  • Developer


A few months ago, I was looking to hone my React skills by starting a new, small project that makes use of hooks. The idea ended up being a typing practice tool, directly inspired by 10FastFingers, a popular typing test website.

Basically, what the tool does is calculate how fast you type in words-per-minute (WPM) and how accurate you do it. Both of these are computed depending on how many characters you type accurately over a given time span, which in this case is sixty seconds. The equations used to compute for these were taken from SpeedTypingOnline.

One thing that I planned on doing to separate my app from 10FastFingers was to make everything look dark and comfy, so everything is easy on the users' eyes. I also opted to display the WPM and Accuracy instead of only displaying it after the minute ends.

The app ended up working fine and looking nice, although I opted to save the users' scores in localStorage for now instead of storing it in a server. Maybe in the future I can create a back-end system for it.

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